stability and sustainability
Bank values

Stable and successful:

The DZ BANK Group and its position on sustainability

For some years now, the DZ BANK Group has been one of the leading financial institutions in terms of sustainability, as regularly evidenced by our performance in sustainability ratings of various rating agencies.

The DZ BANK Group forms part of the German cooperative financial network, which comprises about 800 local cooperative banks and is one of Germany’s largest private-sector financial services organizations in terms of total assets. For the purposes of group-level ratings, the cooperative financial institutions are analyzed on a consolidated basis. 

For some years now, the DZ BANK Group has been one of the leading German financial institutions in terms of sustainability, as regularly evidenced by our performance in sustainability ratings:

Sustainability ratings of the DZ BANK Group

Prime Status – Note C+

Prime Status – Note C+


(Rating scale: A+ to D-)

Awarded prime status since 2011

Grade C+ confirmed in January 2021

Above-average engagement with regard to environmental and social issues

MSCI ESG Research - AA


MSCI ESG Research

(Rating scale: AAA to CCC)

Date of rating: January 2021

Excellent rating

DZ BANK AG is one of the industry leaders in managing most significant ESG risks and opportunities

Sustainalytics - 21,0 Punkte

21,3 points


(Rating scale: 0 to 40+ points)

Date of rating: August 2022

Corporate governance risk low compared to its peers

Medium risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors

CDP Discloser 2021

CDP 2021

CDP Europe: “The scientific consensus on the need for urgent action on climate change has never been clearer. And ambition this decade will determine how well we can protect our natural resources and avoid the worst effects of global climate change. As policy and corporate stakeholders continue to develop strategies for environmental protection and a low-carbon transition, the availability of reliable and comparable data will remain of vital importance. By disclosing to CDP in 2021, DZ BANK has demonstrated a commitment to corporate environmental transparency and made an important contribution to an economy that works for both people and planet.”

Moody's ESG Solutions - 45 Punkte

45 points

(Rating scale: 0-100)

- Date of rating: April 2021
- DZ BANK Gruppe schneidet im Branchen-Vergleich gut ab